
Horses are wonderful people. I have been riding horses since I was 6 years old and got my first horse when I was 10. I did barrel racing until I was about 19. Then came college and working and no time for horses. I knew one day I would have a horse again. But I never dreamed it would be a horse like Harley, or that I'd find such a gifted trainer, or learn just how much I didn't know. Funny how life works out. I just knew I needed to get another horse before I was too old to get into the saddle.

This is the story of Harley.

Chapter Sixteen - When Training Sticks

I was finally able, after a sore shoulder and another hideous heat wave, to really ride Harley again last Monday, October 4.  And we both remembered and repeated the concept of riding leg to hand. I'm so proud of Harley, even after almost 3 weeks off, with just a few light bareback rides in between, he went right back to work.  He did equally as well yesterday, October 10.  We both need to get back into training and into shape, but it shouldn't take long and then we'll begin ground poles, working our way up to jumping, which is what we both love.

I'm excited about the program Jane has planned for us, to prepare us for jumping in a way that will keep Harley sound and enable both of us to jump safely and have a blast doing so.  My goal is to trailer him to a local cross country course and "play" over some of the smaller jumps, and pretend we are at Rolex, riding for the gold =)

My beautiful boy.....