
Horses are wonderful people. I have been riding horses since I was 6 years old and got my first horse when I was 10. I did barrel racing until I was about 19. Then came college and working and no time for horses. I knew one day I would have a horse again. But I never dreamed it would be a horse like Harley, or that I'd find such a gifted trainer, or learn just how much I didn't know. Funny how life works out. I just knew I needed to get another horse before I was too old to get into the saddle.

This is the story of Harley.

Chapter Fourteen - The Canter I Glimpsed...

When I first went to look at Harley before I bought him, he was pretty much a mess.  I had no idea how badly he had been treated, but knew something was not right.  However, when I rode him, in the midst of a couple totally unbalanced and erratic trots and canters, I caught glimpses of a lovely trot and amazing canter, although they only lasted a stride or two.  That and the goofball personality I saw caused me to take a chance on this incredible horse.

At the end of my last lesson, Jane told me to canter.  It was the most awesome canter Harley has given me in the 15 months I've owned him, and it will get even better.  When she told me to transition down to a trot, I asked her, "Do I have to?" and she said I could do whatever I wanted.  We cantered once more around the ring and it was brilliant.

Never, ever give up on your horse.  Find a trainer who puts the horse's welfare and your safety and well-being before all else.  Be patient.  Be positive.  Be realistic.  And you will find inside your horse an amazing creature who really does want to do the right thing, if only people will let him.