
Horses are wonderful people. I have been riding horses since I was 6 years old and got my first horse when I was 10. I did barrel racing until I was about 19. Then came college and working and no time for horses. I knew one day I would have a horse again. But I never dreamed it would be a horse like Harley, or that I'd find such a gifted trainer, or learn just how much I didn't know. Funny how life works out. I just knew I needed to get another horse before I was too old to get into the saddle.

This is the story of Harley.

Chapter Five - A New Horse

I have a new horse, and his name is Harley! Here is a photo of Jane training Harley in late December 2009. Compared to the picture in Chapter One, it's hard to believe it's the same guy.

For the first time since I got him, I have to ask for more pace at the trot (he actually trots too slowly at times) because he is so relaxed now.  He is learning to use his body properly and realizing that it's more comfortable and less strenuous to do things correctly, rather than incorrectly.  It's hard work, but Harley is a fighter, not a quitter. 

Why is there a photo of Jane riding Harley, and not me?  30+ years of riding western, 10+ years of barrel racing, and a year at a hunter/jumper riding school created a position of hunching forward, gripping tightly with my knees, and leaning around invisible barrels...all completely incorrect for classical dressage.  When I can publish a photo that will not send correctly trained riders screaming from the room, I will.  In the meantime, here is my favorite photo of Jane and Harley...